How to Eat All You Want and Still Stay Trim

Well, in this post, I'm going to be taking you through the deep secrets of "miss fab thin", and exactly how you can apply a bit of these secrets in enhancing your diet and weight loss journey.

DISCLAIMER- this article is not an endorsement for excessive eating or binging which is an eating disorder.

First, some people who can eat all they want without gaining excess weight actually were configured that way genetically. It means that the amount of calories the body needs while resting to carry out it's function is higher in those individuals than in others. And so, such people manage to remain quite thin because a great percentage of the calories they consume is burned up while they are resting.

However, you can't change your genetic make up so if you don't fall into that category, let's examine more possibilities together.

In addition to this, so many people these days are opting for a gastric bypass surgery, which basically means that they tie up a large portion of the stomach, making sure that there is only so much you can eat, and even when you eat so much, it is not absorbed and mostly passes out as waste.

This process is however pretty expensive and to some people not worth the risk, so they opt for the third option.

In this case, as is the fad among many models nowadays, the act of regurgitating after eating is used. Technically classified as an eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa, it simply means that after eating, the individual induces the vomit reflex by stimulating the tonsils or the back of the tongue, ensuring that the food is not absorbed and they gain very little weight if any at all.

Though the process has been found to reduce weight gain dramatically, it is obviously a wasteful way to lose weight, and has been found to cause a lot of health challenges in individuals who indulge including halitosis (bad breath), and a host of others.

Now I would never advice anyone to take this part because the risks far outweigh the gains.

Now, if you must eat all you want, not gain weight and still be healthy, there are a limited number of options for you (I am sorry), a few of which include;

- Eating healthy. You hardly can get too much of fruits and veggies, and if you are continually snacking on fruits, you then can really be able to eat all you want while getting healthier at it. Just make sure you are eating organic and fresh.

- Also, you can decide to eat all you want but do so less often. Don't bite me, but I am sure that the occasional binge won't hurt as much, if you do it maybe once or twice a year. Come on, we are all guilty of this. Just make sure that you burn it all up by working out, keeping active and taking a lot of fruits and veggies.

- Thirdly and finally, if you are going for a party and you are going to be tempted to eat a lot, make sure you fill up on fruits and fibers, and in this way, you will eat less and be more healthy.

Pascal is a professional blogger specializing in health and fitness with a degree in pharmacy. He blogs from

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