Getting Muscular, Stronger and Bigger Without Getting Fat!

I'm following A Muscle Building Course and doing really good. I'm getting so much stronger, bigger and muscular but my body fat is getting a little higher, why is that? And how can I prevent that from happening while not screwing up my muscle gains?

The answer is easy. I can see you neglected the diet on the weekends.

Because a lot of people think you can "out-train" a bad diet especially when the training is going really well as in your case.

Some people think you can eat whatever you want as long as you go to the gym.

Bad thing to think, a lean and muscular body is a combo of good nutrition AND training!

Lifting weights and cardio won't burn enough calories for that and junk food or empty calorie foods will not build muscle.

So we all have to eat right on top of going to the gym.

I know I would get a fat belly again if I ate junk food all day again.

As an example, a plate of pasta with white sauce and a piece of garlic toast can mean 1000 calories with little to no protein.

If you decide to eat a fast food burger with fries and coke you'll hit 1000 calories real fast, with no muscle building nutrients that your body needs.

Now try to burn a thousand calories in a single workout.

Hey, I've Squatted 315lbs for 20 reps...

... and while that's hard and intensive, it doesn't burn a thousand calories. If just kicks your metabolism up for building muscle and strength with a demand for nutritious foods.

You'd have to spend two or three hours jogging to burn that off...

... I personally don't have the time to spend three hours a day jogging, do you?

So I lift weights at the gym or in my garage, and eat nutritious foods to compliment my training.

Little junk food, mostly natural unprocessed and unrefined foods.

Because junk food is always high in sugar and fat.

Eating Junk food makes it too easy to eat more calories than your body needs.

And quite simply, if you eat more calories than you burn, your body will store it as fat.

So I train hard but eat right on top. That's how you get stronger, more muscular without getting fat, but with visible muscles.

Remember, Train smarter, not harder and diet smarter, not harder!

"FREE" Muscle Building Reports at http://Www.MiloBodyBuilding.Com
Dan Przyojski is an N.F.P.T. Certified Trainer - Mr. Toledo and Masters Mr. Michigan Bodybuilding Title Holder. Author of articles in Reps Magazine - Muscle Mag Int. and websites. Survivor of a Tragic Industrial Accident and has been featured on the cover of several health and fitness magazines

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Diet Plan To Build Lean Muscle

Just working out is not enough in order to build lean muscle. Your diet, too, plays a pivotal role in this process. Without a good diet, it is impossible to gain any measure of lean muscle mass.

The role of workouts is to boost the building process of muscle tissues. However, without protein stores and proper diet, the body will lack the essential driving force to push the muscle building process to its culmination. Hence, it becomes extremely crucial to provide your body with the right muscle building diet to achieve a leaner, more muscular look.

Here are a few muscle gaining diet plans which certainly will lead you towards attaining what you seek. The points below will provide you with all the requisite information in this regard.

How To Build Lean Muscle

Tip #1: Drink as much water as you can. However, there are bodybuilders who go in for diuretics to lose fluid retention in order to attain more profound muscle cuts. A point that must be kept in mind is that as workouts deplete natural body fluids you must focus on drinking enough water in order to prevent dehydration.

Tip #2: Include complex carbohydrates (starches) in your diet. Starchy foods such as pasta, wheat bread, whole grain cereals, brown rice, potatoes, yams, sweet potatoes, and vegetables provide vital energy for your activities and help build lean muscle.

Tip #3: Lean meat is rich in protein and is a fine basic building block for lean muscle. Meat such as steak and other protein-rich foods has been the staple food of many bodybuilding experts for over the past few decades. However, make sure that you avoid the fat of these meats as it might jeopardize your bodybuilding goals.

Tip #4: Eat foods that are rich in fiber. Fiber is especially beneficial for those who wish to lose weight while building lean muscle, since it prevents the body from absorbing too much fat. It helps to maintain cholesterol levels and is also a well known source of slow-burning carbohydrates, essential for those who want to build lean muscle. Examples of some fiber rich grains are oatmeal, wheat, vegetables and fruits. Add about 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day among the foods that you eat.

Tip #5: Soybeans are a major source of protein and carry extremely low fat content and almost zero cholesterol. It has long been consumed by those who have the building of lean muscle and increased weight loss as desired outcomes.

Tip #6: Get a healthy source of fat such as nuts, avocadoes and cold-water fish. Eat 40-100g of fat per day. If you do not get enough of these, take an essential fatty acid supplement or fish oil supplement.

Tip #7: Whey protein is quite readily available and can be taken in as a supplement mixed with soups, vegetables, and shakes. This gets easily digested and is one of the major sources of protein available, thereby enhancing the building of lean muscle.

Tip #8: The protein of eggs lies in its whites. Therefore, in order to build lean muscle, use eggs as the major source protein by eating the whites and avoiding the yolk.

While the above diet plans work, they need to be used in a balanced way. Therefore, make sure that you eat at intervals of 3-4 hours so that insulin levels are maintained and the process of neural and physical recovery is fostered.

Get more tips on building muscles the healthy way at

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How to Build Muscle Without Protein Shakes

Building muscle mass without the use of protein shakes is possible. Protein shakes are supplements and therefore they only supplement your current diet and training. They can be expensive and cause unwanted bloating.

Bodybuilding magazines and the media have made it appear that you must drink plenty of whey protein shakes every day in order to achieve any muscle gains. This is not true and this article will show you how to build muscle without the use of protein shakes.

Get your protein from other quality sources

You must eat protein in order to build muscle mass, but it doesn't have to come from protein shakes. There are many better and higher nutritional value protein foods out there. Here are a few:

Chicken - low fat, great source of protein
Beef - very high protein content and contains healthy fats to increase your testosterone levels
Eggs - the best quality protein you can eat, the yolk contains fats that provide energy and boosts your muscle building hormones
Fish - fish contains plenty of quality protein and vital fatty acids such as omega 3, these will greatly increase your energy levels and testosterone

Eat protein with every meal

To make sure you are getting all the protein you need per day, eat at least 25g of protein with each meal. Aim to eat 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. This will keep your body in an anabolic state, to continue building muscle the whole day.

Eat a highly nutritious meal post workout

Instead of chugging down a sugary protein shake after your workout, have a solid healthy meal. This may be hard at first if you don't have an appetite after your workouts, but your body will thank you for it. Eat one of the quality sources of protein with some fruits, vegetables and healthy fats. This will give your body all the nutrients and protein it needs to recover from the workout.

Drink milk

Whey protein comes from milk. If you find it hard eating enough food throughout the day, drink whole milk to boost your calories and protein intake. Milk is cheap and easy to drink between and with meals. Milk is also a great alternative to a protein shake after your workout.

Protein shakes are not vital for building muscle mass. In many ways taking it out of your diet will benefit your muscle gains greatly. You won't rely on it and become lazy. You will instead eat much more nutritious protein, that your body wants, as this is the natural way of building huge amounts of muscle.

For more information about building muscle through the use of proper nutrition and high intensity training visit for your free muscle building eBook and 7 day course.

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What Is Whey Protein and How Does It Help You Build Muscle?

Whey is a by-product from the production of cheese and consists of four proteins:

Bovine serum albumin

Because it contains all nine amino acids, it is considered a complete protein.

Types of Whey Protein

If you go to buy whey protein, you'll find it comes in three different types. From the least to the most processed they are:

Concentrate - Cheaper than the other two types, it is a good choice for people on a budget. After the filtration process, the supplement is usually around 70 to 80 percent pure protein with the remainder fat and carbohydrates.

Isolate - Concentrate that is further processed to remove all the fat and lactose. Isolate usually has at least 90% protein.

Hydrolysate - This type of protein is partially digested through a process known as hydrolysis. The advantage? It is easier to digest that the other two types and has less potential for triggering an allergen attack.

Many of the protein powders contain a combination of whey protein concentrate and soy protein isolate and typically provide around 30% of the daily required protein.

Building Muscle Mass with Whey Protein

The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism published a study that concluded males who supplemented whey protein with resistance training had a greater gain of lean muscle mass than those who used resistance training alone. Because whey is a protein that breaks down through digestion quickly, it is great for both pre- and post-workouts.

As whey is digested, the bloodstream carries it to the muscles where it stimulates a molecular process known as protein synthesis, resulting in more muscle mass. Research has shown that protein synthesis increases by 70% once the digested whey protein reaches the muscles. And since whey protein increases blood flow to muscle tissue, it in turn brings more digested protein to the muscles resulting in even greater protein synthesis.

Taken one hour before a workout, it provides a fairly quick source of energy for the muscles to use while working out. Taken after a workout, it helps replace the depleted glycogen that was used during the workout so muscles can repair and grow, creating more lean muscle mass. And of course creating more lean muscle mass not only gives you a more toned look, but you'll burn more calories at rest. Its cousin casein is also a protein, but it is slower to digest making it a better choice if you want to keep protein in your digestive track longer, such as overnight.

In addition to building muscle mass, researchers have found that whey protein can also:

Help with weight loss by reducing body fat percentage
Stave off hunger by reducing the hormone ghrelin that tells your brain you are hungry
Fight cancer including colon and prostrate
Reduce stress by increasing the secretion of serotonin
Improve the immune system by maintaining the levels of glutathione in the body - an antioxidant that prevents cell damage

Ingesting whey protein is one half of the equation to building lean muscle mass. When coupled with adequate resistance training, it is a recipe for success.

Russell (Rusty) Hart is the founder of the Health, Fitness & Sport Club, a website devoted to the promotion of health, fitness and wellness. Should this subject matter be of interest you can visit the HF & S Club home site where you'll find over 1,300 quality posts with new posts being published daily. To quickly access those that are of interest you can select any of 20 Categories broken down by over 260 Sub-Categories for easy access.

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Anabolic Cooking - Can You Lose Weight With These Diet Recipes?

If you have read some of my other reviews of weight loss programs, you would know that obesity is on a sharp increase in western countries and all evidence points to this trend continuing for years. I believe there are several reasons for this. In this fast paced world we are just too busy or too tired to cook for ourselves. This truly is the fast food era. In my other weight loss reviews I have said that long term weight loss is a lifestyle choice. Its easy to lose a bit of weight but to keep it off requires a conscious change in diet and regular exercise. To be healthy is a lifestyle choice not a given. That lifestyle change must consist of eating healthy nutritional meals and exercise. One without the other doesn't work in losing the weight and keeping it off. I love good food, good wine and good friends. I'm always on the lookout for tasty recipes but that are not going to blow my waistline.

I saw this cookbook and thought what does anabolic mean? According to the Cambridge Dictionary anabolic means "A hormone, chemically made by living cells, that causes muscle and bone growth."

What Is the Anabolic Cooking Cookbook?

The anabolic cookbook is designed for busy people on the go who don't have time to cook healthy nutritious meals but want to lose the fat, build muscle or just eat healthy. The book contains over 200 recipes that take only minutes to prepare. This diet recipe book tells you what to eat, when to eat it, what ingredients to shop for and step by step instructions on how to prepare your meals. The interesting thing I found in this cookbook is that it tells you what is in the foods we are eating.

For those that are novices in the kitchen there is a section on how to read a recipe, the different cooking methods and what tools you need to get started in the kitchen. It's a virtual cooking classroom.

Nutrition is the most important part of losing weight and building muscle but how many of us assume that eating healthy means boring bland tasting foods? I admit I do. Dave Ruel the creator of the anabolic cookbook has soups, salads, fish and seafood, chicken and poultry, red meat and pork, breakfast and desert recipes that sound and look delicious. The first thing I looked at was the desert menu and got excited about the strawberry meringue, the chocolate mousse, and the blueberry cheesecake. But there are so many others to choose from as well. I figured the other menus are less important. I kid myself. But all the recipes are delicious and Dave says it takes only minutes to prepare a week of meals and also shows you how best to store them away.

The Benefits:

• A Complete shopping list, nutritional meal plans, and step by step meal preparation.

• Meal planning is easier because you are told what to eat and when to eat it and how to prepare a complete a daily meal plan from breakfast to dinner.

• Improves your cooking skills.

• Contains the nutritional values of all the foods you buy and eat so you know exactly what you are putting into your body.

• Each recipe is designed to burn the fat, build muscle and tone the body.

• 60 day money back guarantee.

• No need for supplements.

The Negative:

• Dave does not include exercise routines for losing the fat or building muscle.

• Vegetarians do not have a huge variety of meals to choose from.

• This comes as e-book and not available as a hard copy.

• Some recipes do not mention serving sizes so if cooking for more than 1 you have to make adjustments to the ingredients yourself.

The Final Word:

There is no doubt nutrition is a big part of the weight loss equation. Often we associate diets with boring, tasteless foods but the anabolic cookbook gives us diet recipes that look good taste good and is good for us. The anabolic cookbook is one half of the equation you also need regular exercise with good nutrition to lose weight and keep it off. I do believe this book is a good first step and if used with a suitable exercise routine can help you lose the weight, build muscle and get healthy.

Click Here [] To Read More Reviews

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Can Green Smoothie Recipes Actually Help You Lose Weight?

Many people wonder if green smoothie recipes can actually help them lose weight. Smoothies are a kind of vegetarian diet that is made of fruits and vegetables. They have very little in carbohydrates and contain less fat.

There are many types of green smoothie recipes as there are people who want to enjoy a healthy living lifestyle. Due to the nature of green smoothies everyone can create their own recipe. It is only a question of combining various fruits and vegetables and blending them together.

You can get ready made smoothies to buy from the shop but it is very easy to make your own at home. All you need is a blender and a selection of your favourite fruits and vegetables. To make your smoothie taste better, select the fruits and vegetables that you like best and include some sweet fruits as well.

There are many suggestions of green smoothie recipes on the Internet today. This is because there are many different kinds of combinations of fruits and vegetables that you can turn into a smoothie.

One advantage of going on a smoothie diet is that you do not need to starve yourself.

Because vegetables are low in fat and carbohydrates you can eat as much as you like without having to worry about putting on weight. In order not to get tired of or get bored with the types of smoothies you eat, you will need to have a good selection of fruits and vegetables from which you can prepare different types of smoothies.

This will also ensure that you continue with your weight-loss program without giving up. Like any weight-loss program, you will need to combine your smoothie diets with an effective exercise plan.

Yes green smoothie recipes can help you lose weight because of its very nature. It can be filling and nutritious and you can have as much as you like at various times of the day. This means you do not need to starve yourself to lose weight.

Where to find more information on other vegetarian diet meals. For more information on how to prepare green smoothie recipes [] and other vegetarians diet meals that can help you lose weight click on the banner of Easy Veggie Meal Plans and you will find many suggestions about different kinds of vegetarian meals that can help you lose weight. Alternatively go to [] where you will find information on how to prepare vegetarian diet meals.

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4 Tips for Building Pure Muscle

Gaining pure muscle sounds simple, but it is far easy. How many people do you know start working out at the gym, only to quit 2 weeks later when they become frustrated with their lack of progression? When it comes to packing on muscle, there are 4 important things that you need to focus on to increase muscle mass. If you aren't focusing on these 4 things, you probably will not grow.

First and foremost, muscles need to be stimulated to grow by training near maximum intensity. Training at a high intensity physiologically forces the body adapt to the stress you have put on it. It is best get the heaviest lifts done right after a thorough warm-up and should be taken near or to failure. The only way the body will stronger and more muscular is if you give it a reason to. Heavy sets near failure with compound movements will signal an anabolic response. To really let the testosterone flow you should be failing within 3-6 reps for 3-6 sets. Use exercises such as squats, dead lifts, bench press, rows and overhead press for best results.

Volume sets should also be included near the tail end of the workout. Remember, hypertrophy is directly proportional to the amount of blood that can be forced into the muscle. Isolate muscles that are lagging behind and force as much blood into them as possible. This is achieved by constant moderate tension over a long period of time, while performing the exercise at full range of motion. Obviously, the rep range is going to be a little higher to achieve the volume pump. 3-6 sets of 8-12 reps, even as high as 20 reps should get the job done. Increase the weight for more tension if you can perform more than 20 reps with proper form.

Intense training means nothing if the body is not fed the proper nutrients to recover. Perhaps the most difficult part of gaining muscle mass is eating the proper types and amounts of food. I am sure you have heard it a thousand times "you are what you eat", and this is absolutely true. Keep that in mind the next time you stuff your face with that greasy cheeseburger.

So if you want to be lean and muscular it obviously a lot of protein is needed (1.2-1.5g per pound of body weight should enough for most people). But, no matter how much protein is eaten, muscle cannot be built without a caloric surplus. Obviously in order to gain, more energy needs to be eaten than the body is burning. During a bulking phase, an extra 300-500 calories per day, every day, should result in steady weight gain of 1-2 pounds per week.

The final point is perhaps the most neglected for most people. You will not grow if you do not get enough sleep, plain and simple. Keep in mind that the majority of natural anabolic hormones are released during deep sleep. Sleep is when the body is repairing itself from most of the damage of the training session. If you are sleeping 5 hours or less per night, you will most likely never going to grow because the body is too stressed. Lifting too much and not sleeping enough will inevitably cause exercise burnout and/or over-training of the central nervous system. The magic number for most people based on average sleep cycles is actually 7 hours, not 8 like we have always been told. You might think that more sleep is better, but more than 9 hours doesn't seem to have any additional benefit for most people. Beyond 9 hours, studies have shown diminishing returns. So it seems your parents were on to something when they were nagging not to over-sleep.

In review, the 4 things needed for weight gain.

1. Lift heavy with compound movements
2. Force blood into muscles with high volume sets with constant tension
3. Eat at a caloric surplus and eat plenty of protein
4. Get 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night.

Stay consistent and persistent and undoubtedly you will see results!

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All programs are set up as a printable check list with areas to track progress. All things are considered in program creation - goals, medical history, exercise history, access to equipment and lifestyle.

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